Modern Methods for Diagnosing the Impact of Ischemic Heart Disease on the Pathogenesis of Anemia


  • Uzoqova Oyjamol Narzullayevna Samarkand State Medical University, Assistant Professor, Department of Hematology
  • Jalolov Sohib Aslitdinovich Therapeutists of the Samarkand branch of the Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medical Care
  • O'sarov Shohruh Abduvahob oʻgʻli Therapeutists of the Samarkand branch of the Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medical Care


chronic heart failure, anemia, cardiorenal anemia syndrome


Purpose of the review: To analyze modern views on the problem of anemia in chronic heart failure (CHF), the main pathogenetic mechanisms of its formation, and the possibilities of drug correction.

Basic principles. The problem of CHF has a number of interdisciplinary aspects. One of the frequent pathologies in CHF is anemia, which exacerbates hemodynamic disorders and worsens the prognosis of patients. Understanding the mechanisms of anemia development in CHF is of great importance in choosing treatment tactics. The review discusses views on the pathogenetic mechanisms of the formation of anemia syndrome in patients with CHF. Approaches to its treatment are considered from the point of view of pathogenesis.

Conclusion: Anemia in CHF is associated with an increased risk of mortality, worsening of comorbidities, and increased functional class of heart failure, but is a potentially reversible condition.


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How to Cite

Narzullayevna, U. O., Aslitdinovich, J. S., & oʻgʻli , O. S. A. (2025). Modern Methods for Diagnosing the Impact of Ischemic Heart Disease on the Pathogenesis of Anemia. International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy, 3(1), 74–85. Retrieved from