Morphometric Characteristics of the Liver during Pregnancy in Experimental Chronic Renal Failure


  • Rakhmonkulova Nargiza Gofurovna Abu Ali ibn Sina renamed Bukhara State Medical Institute, Bukhara Regional Perinatal Center, Uzbekistan, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology N2


renal failure, structural changes in the kidney, morphological and physiological analysis of their fetus


Study of morphological and morphometric changes of the liver of pregnant white rats after chronic renal failure. A study of normal morphological and morphometric parameters of the liver of pregnant white rats. Study of the anatomical parameters of the liver of purebred rats in pregnancy and its reactive changes after experimental chronic renal failure Comparison of pregnancy-related histo-topographic features of the liver of purebred rats in experimental chronic renal failure with parameters of healthy rats. Comparative classification of morphometric changes in the liver of pregnant rats after correction with Juyzar waters in experimental chronic renal failure.




How to Cite

Gofurovna, R. N. (2024). Morphometric Characteristics of the Liver during Pregnancy in Experimental Chronic Renal Failure. International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy, 2(6), 46–49. Retrieved from