Health and Well Being of the Population in the Context of Sustainable Development


  • Divyanshi Pandey Samarkand State Medical University Student of International Faculty, 2nd Course
  • Nasimova Sohiba Yaxyayevna Scientific Supervisor


SDG, lung cancer, screening programs, sustainable development, SES, COVID- 19 epidemic, Biodiversity, Crucial Adulterants Common malefactors


Health and well-being are fundamental to a thriving and sustainable society. Health encompasses physical, mental, and social well-being, while well-being reflects quality of life shaped by balanced psychological and physiological states. This paper examines the relationship between environmental conditions, economic growth, and social determinants, emphasizing the role of sustainable development in fostering public health. As global challenges such as climate change, urbanization, and resource depletion escalate, the connection between a healthy population and a resilient environment becomes more evident. Clean air, safe water, and nutritious food are essential in preventing non-communicable diseases like cardiovascular ailments, diabetes, and respiratory disorders. Additionally, socio-economic disparities hinder access to healthcare, exacerbating health inequities. This study highlights the impact of integrated approaches, such as green infrastructure, sustainable agriculture, and community-led microfinance, in advancing both economic and environmental goals. Aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals—particularly SDG 3 (good health and well-being) and SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities)—can drive systemic change and improve health outcomes. Public health measures, including vaccination programs, routine screenings, and equitable healthcare access, are crucial in preventing disease burdens. Ultimately, sustainable development is not just an environmental responsibility but a comprehensive strategy to enhance health, economic growth, and social equity. A holistic approach to health and sustainability is essential to building a resilient future where human and ecological well-being coexist.


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How to Cite

Pandey , D., & Yaxyayevna , N. S. (2025). Health and Well Being of the Population in the Context of Sustainable Development. International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy, 3(2), 48–52. Retrieved from