Female Infertility Caused by Disorders of the Ovulation Process


  • Fatima Kudratovna Askarova Assistant of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Samarkand State Medical University


female infertility, ovulation, conception, menstrual cycle


A marriage is considered infertile in which, despite regular sexual activity for a year without the use of any contraceptives, pregnancy does not occur, provided that the spouses are of childbearing age. The time required for pregnancy increases with age; for women over 35 years of age, consultations with an obstetrician-gynecologist for examination and treatment should begin after 6 months of unsuccessful attempts at natural conception.However, diagnosis may be initiated earlier in women with irregular menstrual cycles or known risk factors for infertility, such as endometriosis, a history of pelvic inflammatory disease or malformations of the reproductive tract.


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How to Cite

Askarova , F. K. (2024). Female Infertility Caused by Disorders of the Ovulation Process. International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy, 2(9), 20–24. Retrieved from https://medicaljournals.eu/index.php/IJACT/article/view/898