Non-Immune Hydrops Fetalis: Management and Outcomes


  • Pulatova G. A Republican specialized scientific and practical medical center for maternal and child health. Tashkent. Uzbekistan
  • Yusupbaev R. B Republican specialized scientific and practical medical center for maternal and child health. Tashkent. Uzbekistan


non-immune hydrops fetalis, immunoglobulin therapy, fetal arrhythmias, paracentesis, thoracocentesis, cordocentesis, amnioreduction


The rapid development of fetal surgery has become possible thanks to modern online visualization systems, improvement of tools and equipment that allow penetrating into the special world of intrauterine development without consequences. One of the antenatal pathologies of the fetus that requires such high-tech minimally invasive methods of fetal treatment is non-immune fetal hydrops. This article discusses various aspects of non-immune fetal hydrops, including etiology, clinical picture, antenatal diagnosis and treatment tactics, and also provides some data on cases of non-immune fetal hydrops treated in the fetal medicine department of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Maternal and Child Health.


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Pulatova GA, Yusupbaev RB. Diagnosis, Management and Outcomes of Non-Immune Hydrops Fetalis in Uzbekistan. American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, Vol. 13 No. 2, 2023, pp. 170-175. doi: 10.5923/j.ajmms.20231302.30.

Бец ОГ, Хмелевская ИГ, Серёжкина АВ, Булка АА, Ходулапова ЛГ, Являнская ОС. Клинический случай неиммунной водянки у недоношенного ребенка с наличием IgG к SARS-СоV-2 при рождении. Человек и его здоровье. 2022;25(2):4-12. DOI:




How to Cite

G. A, P., & R. B, Y. (2024). Non-Immune Hydrops Fetalis: Management and Outcomes. International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy, 2(9), 35–37. Retrieved from