Criteria for Morphological Justification of Surgical Treatment of Patients With Thyrotoxicosis
morphological examination, intraoperative express biopsy, fine needle puncture aspiration biopsyAbstract
Relevance. Interventions for relapses of toxic goiter forms are characterized by technical complexity, and for multiple and multiple relapses, tactical problems arise regarding the scope and nature of surgical intervention. Material and methods. The material of the study was the results of the study and surgical treatment of 112 patients with toxic goiter forms. In the morphological diagnosis of toxic goiter, the informative value of TIAB was 88.3%, EBI-94.4%, a combination of these factors
methods increased their informative content to 98.1%. Introduction of morphological diagnostics of thyroid tissue changes in patients with toxic goiter forms into clinical practice made it possible to choose the optimal amount of surgical intervention. Research results. The developed algorithm for choosing the volume of surgical intervention for toxic goiter forms, taking into account the data of the conclusion of TIAB and EBI, improved the results of treatment by reducing the frequency of unsatisfactory results in the long-term postoperative period from 18.9% to 4.1%.
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