Clinical-Laboratory Examination and Modern Methods of Treatment of Dental Diseases in Workers of the Chemical Industry


  • Ibragimova Feruza Ikromovna Bukhara State Medical Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Bukhara
  • Nazarov Ulugbek Kahramonovich DSc., Professor of the Departments of Orthopedic Dentistry Tyumen State Medical University, Tyumen, Russia


dental diseases, chemical industry, clinical and laboratory examination


Modern methods of treatment of dental diseases in chemical industry workers remain a relevant topic due to the special risks associated with their professional activities. The study was conducted to assess the state of dental health of this category of employees, develop effective approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of dental diseases, and determine the effect of chemicals on the oral cavity.

Chemical industry workers are exposed to significant risks of developing dental diseases due to constant contact with harmful chemicals. This can lead to various pathologies, such as caries, periodontitis, as well as changes in the structure of enamel and gum tissue. At a time when preserving the health of employees is a priority, it is important to develop comprehensive measures for the prevention and treatment of these diseases.

As part of the study, a clinical and laboratory examination of 300 employees of chemical enterprises was conducted. Diagnostic methods included clinical examination, questionnaires, assessment of the state of enamel and gums, as well as laboratory tests. The results showed a high prevalence of dental diseases among the study group, which confirms the need for a systematic approach to protecting the dental health of this category of employees.

The effectiveness of treatment is improved by using a comprehensive approach that includes preventive measures, training in proper hygiene skills and modern methods of therapy. Special attention is paid to the individual approach to each patient, taking into account the specifics of their professional activity and the peculiarities of the oral cavity.

The conclusion emphasizes the need for further research to optimize the methods of diagnosis and treatment of dental diseases in chemical industry workers. The introduction of comprehensive measures for the prevention and treatment of these diseases will not only improve the health of employees, but also contribute to improving production efficiency and overall well-being at enterprises in this industry.




How to Cite

Ikromovna, I. F., & Kahramonovich, N. U. (2024). Clinical-Laboratory Examination and Modern Methods of Treatment of Dental Diseases in Workers of the Chemical Industry. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 2(6), 653–657. Retrieved from