Diagnosis of Toxic Kidney Injury


  • Muradova Railya Rustamovna Assistant, Samarkand state medical university, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
  • Islamov Shavkat Erjigitovich DSc, Associate Professor, Samarkand state medical university, Samarkand, Uzbekistan


kidneys, toxins, impact, diagnostic biomarkers, pathomorphological signs


The article is devoted to diagnostics of kidney damage in intoxications. It is revealed that there are no uniform criteria for assessing the degree and nature of kidney damage by nephrotoxins of different locations of action. The features of the mechanisms of nephron damage and predictors of both initial kidney damage and the potential severity of intoxication consequences are also not fully known and deciphered. Therefore, experimental approaches to the study of nephropathies of toxic genesis should include modeling, assessment of the degree of biological response to exposure and reversibility of changes, pathogenesis research for subsequent development of optimal prevention and diagnostics.


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How to Cite

Rustamovna, M. R., & Erjigitovich, I. S. (2025). Diagnosis of Toxic Kidney Injury. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 3(1), 76–78. Retrieved from https://medicaljournals.eu/index.php/IJIMM/article/view/1446

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