Acute Chemical Lung Injury


  • Islamov Shavkat Erjigitovich DSc, Associate Professor, Samarkand state medical university, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
  • Makhmatmuradova Nargiza Negmatullaevna PhD, Associate Professor, Samarkand state medical university, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
  • Khazratov Bekmurod Sherboevich Samarkand state medical university, Samarkand, Uzbekistan


lungs, acute lesion, causes


The article is devoted to the causes leading to the development of acute lung injury, acute poisoning with drugs, pesticides causing indirect lung injury, occupy one of the first places. Inhalation poisoning with smoke, toxic gases, which are the cause of direct acute lung injury, also occupy far from the last place. The main types of pathology in severe inhalation intoxication are toxic bronchoalveolitis, toxic pneumonia or toxic pulmonary edema. The listed nosological units are currently considered as special cases of acute lung injury of chemical etiology.


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How to Cite

Erjigitovich, I. S., Negmatullaevna, M. N., & Sherboevich, K. B. (2025). Acute Chemical Lung Injury. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 3(1), 137–139. Retrieved from

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