Study of Possible Causes of Miscarriage and Their Solution


  • Matrizaeva Gulnara Djumaniyazovna Urgench branch of Tashkent Medical Academy


early miscarriage, causes of miscarriage, clinical symptoms of miscarriage.


Today, there are 5 main reasons for early pregnancy termination. These are genetic, anatomical, infectious, endocrine and immunological (auto- and alloimmune) factors. In addition, there is idiopathic termination of pregnancy, which develops when the immediate cause of miscarriage cannot be established [11]. In case of SPV up to 8 weeks, anembryony is detected in 1/3 of observations and frozen (non-developing) pregnancy in 2/3 of cases [8]. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the cause of non-developing pregnancy is chromosomal abnormalities or the action of teratogens. Chromosomal abnormalities Chromosomal abnormalities are the cause of about 50% of all miscarriages. Most of them are represented by aneuploidies. It has been proven that the shorter the pregnancy period at which SPV occurs, the higher the probability that the cause of the miscarriage is chromosomal pathology. The frequency of karyotype abnormalities in the fetus in case of anembryony reaches 90%, in case of termination of pregnancy at 8-11 weeks - 50%, and in case of SPV at 16 to 19 weeks does not exceed 30% [8]. The most common types of chromosomal abnormalities detected during the karyotype examination of aborted fetuses are autosomal trisomies (52%), monosomy of the X chromosome (19%) and polyploidies (22%).


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How to Cite

Matrizaeva Gulnara Djumaniyazovna. (2024). Study of Possible Causes of Miscarriage and Their Solution. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 2(7), 64–67. Retrieved from