Video Thoracoscopic Sanitation and Drainage of Hemothorax after Chest Injury


  • Salaxidinov Kamoliddin Zuxriddinovich Doctor of Science, Professor, Andijan State Medical Institute
  • Alijonova Moxbegim Akmaljon qizi 5th year student, Faculty of Pediatrics, Andijan State Medical Institute


hemothorax, chest injury, videothoracoscopy, minor surgery techniques, multivariate statistical modeling


Today, the problem of choosing a treatment method for coagulated hemothorax remains undoubtedly relevant. There are still no clear indications for the use of one or another treatment method. Currently, the main factor for the use of a particular treatment method is the criterion of time elapsed since the disease. The medical records of 368 patients were analyzed. Using inclusion and exclusion criteria, the database was reduced. The groups were compared based on the presence or absence of differences. Using dependency analysis, we excluded variables that were not related to the grouping of patients. The parameters for assessing the patient's condition are described, which, one way or another, influence group differences. Among these parameters, both physical and laboratory parameters were identified.


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How to Cite

Zuxriddinovich, S. K., & Akmaljon qizi, A. M. (2024). Video Thoracoscopic Sanitation and Drainage of Hemothorax after Chest Injury. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 2(8), 15–20. Retrieved from