Environmental Chemistry: The Role of Metal Ions in Water Pollution and Remediation


  • Dusyant Assistant Professor, Chemistry Department, Govt. PG College, Hisar, Haryana


Environmental Chemistry, Metal Ions, Water Pollution, Remediation Technologies, Toxicology, Aquatic Systems, Environmental Impact


Environmental chemistry is crucial for understanding the interactions between chemicals and the environment. Metal ions, due to their diverse applications and reactivity, are significant contributors to water pollution. This paper explores the role of metal ions in water pollution, their sources, impacts on ecosystems and human health, and contemporary strategies for remediation. We examine the behavior of metal ions in aquatic systems, their toxicological effects, and the technologies used for their removal and recovery. The paper concludes with a discussion on future directions for research and policy implications.


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How to Cite

Dusyant. (2024). Environmental Chemistry: The Role of Metal Ions in Water Pollution and Remediation. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 2(9), 78–83. Retrieved from https://medicaljournals.eu/index.php/IJIMM/article/view/935