Predicting of Risk Preeclampsia in the Early Stages of Pregnancy


  • Boynazarova Kumushbibi Ziyodullayevna Samarkand State Medical University, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology N^3
  • Tugizova D. I. Samarkand State Medical University, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 3


preeclampsia, preclinical diagnosis, prognostic signs


Research objective: to identify objective prognostic criteria for preeclampsia (PE) in the first half of pregnancy.

Materials and methods. A comprehensive dynamic examination of 209 women who had a single pregnancy and gave birth to live, full-term children was conducted. Retrospectively, two groups were formed depending on the results of pregnancy and childbirth. The control group included 84 women with uncomplicated pregnancy and childbirth, and the main group included 125 patients with moderate and severe PE. All participants were determined by the levels of PAPPA, β hCG, PAMG1, echocardiographic examination of central maternal hemodynamics, and the vasodilatory function of the endothelium was assessed.

Results : A prognostic marker of PE is a combination of signs of inadequate trophoblast invasion with abnormal changes in central hemodynamics and impaired vasomotor function of the endothelium.

Conclusion . In pregnant women at 17-20 weeks, an increase in minute volume (MV) of more than 13-14%, a decrease in total peripheral vascular resistance (TPVR) of more than 10-11%, an increase in functional activity. endothelium of 4% or more allows us to predict an uncomplicated pregnancy (without manifestations of PE). At the end of the first half of pregnancy, an increase in MR of no more than 10%, a decrease in TPR of no more than 7% and a decrease or slight increase in functional activity of the endothelium (less than 4%), allows us to predict the occurrence of PE..


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How to Cite

Boynazarova Kumushbibi Ziyodullayevna, & Tugizova D. I. (2025). Predicting of Risk Preeclampsia in the Early Stages of Pregnancy. International Journal of Pediatrics and Genetics, 3(1), 31–37. Retrieved from