Psychology of Women after Childbirth


  • Jurayeva Dildora Nasriddinova Scientific supervisor
  • Turdibekova Saida Axmedalievna 3rd year student, Tashkent Medical Academy, Faculty of Medical biology, Group: 302, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


postpartum depression, baby blues, agitation, delirium, melancholy


the article discusses psychological condition of women after having childbirth called postpartum depression. There are given particular types of depression with symptoms and some advice for recovering by medically at the same time socially. Postpartum depression is not simple mental disorder that demand to take treatment, otherwise can cause dangerous situation like suicide or hurting the babies.


Verinder Sharma and Priya Sharma, 2012, Postpartum Depression: Diagnostics and Treatment Issues p. 437

Robert Sparks Essay Contest, 2013, Sadness and Supports: A short History of Postpartum Depression, p. 2-3

Debra Fulghum Bruce, Phd, 2022, Postpartum Depression

V.D Richkov, 2018, Psychology of Lovers,

Robert Chaldini, Influence Psychology of Persuasion, 2022.




How to Cite

Nasriddinova, J. D., & Axmedalievna, T. S. (2024). Psychology of Women after Childbirth. International Journal of Pediatrics and Genetics, 2(3), 20–22. Retrieved from