Exudative Otitis Media in Children


  • Khabibullaev Temurshoh Utkirovich Bukhara state medical institute, Bukhara


exudative otitis media, children, hearing


This article presents these results of studying the diagnosis and treatment of exudative otitis media in children. Exudative otitis media is a disease of the middle ear characterized by the presence of exudate in the cavities of the middle ear and hearing loss, occurring without pain, with an intact eardrum.


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How to Cite

Khabibullaev Temurshoh Utkirovich. (2024). Exudative Otitis Media in Children. International Journal of Pediatrics and Genetics, 2(5), 37–41. Retrieved from https://medicaljournals.eu/index.php/IJPG/article/view/372