A Historical Perspective on Social Exclusion and Physical Disabilities


  • Ambei Ruhama Faizefu Faculty of Education, the University of Buea
  • Busi Ernest Neba Faculty of Education, the University of Buea


Living with a physical impairment frequently necessitates having courage and strength to overcome societal hurdles imposed on people with these conditions, such as social exclusion or marginalization. Students with physical disabilities have been victims of social exclusion or marginalization in a variety of ways over the years. They have had limited or no access to critical services such as healthcare, a proper education, and housing; they have been discriminated against and stigmatized by their peers and teachers; and they have experienced unemployment or underemployment even after they have graduated from school. Social exclusion of students with physical disabilities has been linked to psychological discomfort, poor health and well-being outcomes, which has resulted to low academic achievement during the last few decades. Due to a lack of suitable infrastructure, some students with physical disabilities, such as those in wheelchairs, may find it difficult to associate with peers during break hours, and may thus be left out or excluded from social events at school. As a result, stakeholders, teachers, parents, and peers of kids with physical disability must work together to create the most appropriate and inclusive environment for students with these impairments.


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How to Cite

Faizefu, A. R., & Busi Ernest Neba. (2024). A Historical Perspective on Social Exclusion and Physical Disabilities. International Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, 2(1), 12–18. Retrieved from https://medicaljournals.eu/index.php/IJCNP/article/view/148