
  • Ramazonov H. H. Bukhara State Medical Institute Named After Abu Ali Ibn Sino


Relevance. Today, almost every clinic (private and public) offers dental care such as implantation, which is an alternative to traditional treatment in many clinical situations. However, despite the widespread introduction of dental implantation into dental practice, the expansion of indications for it and the avalanche-like increase in the number of implants installed by dentists, the number of complications does not decrease. The results observed in patients immediately after implantation indicate a high level of dental care, however, more and more information about the risk of long-term complications is appearing in the scientific literature. One of the main problems of implantology is the inflammation of the tissues surrounding the osteointegrated implant. At the meeting of the European Federation of Periodontologists, based on the modern scientific evidence base, a consensus was reached on infectious and inflammatory diseases in the field of dental implants. It is proposed to distinguish peri–implantation mucositis and peri-implantitis (1). Mucositis in the implant area is an inflammation of the surrounding soft tissues without disruption of osseointegration. Dental peri-implantitis is an inflammatory reaction of the tissues surrounding an osteointegrated implant, accompanied by loss of the supporting bone. The diagnosis of peri-implantitis is established on the basis of radiologically revealed bone changes in the form of a crater-shaped destruction in the neck circumference and even the upper third of the implant [2]. It is believed that mucositis can occur in 80% of people with dental implants, and the development of peri-implantitis has been described in 28-56% of those examined (Lindhe J., Meyle J., 2008). According to other data, mucositis is observed in 60-80% of people with dental implants, and the development of peri-implantitis has been described in 10-56% of patients. In our clinical practice, such phenomena are often found that correspond to the data of scientific literature.


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How to Cite

H. H., R. (2025). APPLICATION OF A NEW METHOD FOR THE TREATMENT OF PERI-IMPLANTITIS. International Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, 3(2), 15–18. Retrieved from