Relevance of the study. To date, many scientific studies have been conducted to study the clinical effectiveness of the use of cephalometric analysis as a traditional method of orthodontic treatment in isolated dental anomalies Gyandjali N. T. (2014), Kosyuga S. Yu., Botova D. I. (2015), Makeeva I. M. (2014), Abbate G.M., Caria M.P., Montanari P. (2015), Best A.D., Shroff B., Carrico C.K., Lindauer S.J. (2017), Buschang P.H., Shaw S.G., Ross M., Crosby D., Campbell P.M. (2014) conducted. The maximum control over the movement of teeth and roots, as cited in scientific sources, allows orthodontic treatment of complex dental – jaw abnormalities. Makeeva I. M. (2014) and in scientific studies of other co-authors, in separate dental anomalies, they are considered to have high patient aesthetic requirements during orthodontic treatment. In his research, the author compared the results of treatment with the help of elainers, along with traditional treatment. For example, the duration of treatment with elainers with isolated dental anomalies averaged 10 months, and treatment with breakaways averaged 18 months. Gasanov R. A. (2018) and other co-authors make it possible to assess the hygienic condition of the oral cavity of patients during orthodontic treatment and improve the quality of life in patients through it. In isolated dental anomalies in foreign and domestic scientific literature, significant differences in index values were observed in patients using elainers 1.2 and 1.8 in traditional orthodontic treatment, on average 1.15 months after oral hygiene before starting treatment. Thus, the authors argue that, unlike elainers, the presence of non-removable orthodontic devices, improved oral hygiene and the possibility of normalizing the state of chewing in patients are created []. At the same time, the authors note that patients who receive orthodontic treatment with oral hygiene should pay attention to the accumulation of fillers and blisters on their teeth.
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