Associate factor, Domestic violence, pregnantAbstract
This research work was conducted to assess domestic violence and its associated factors among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic in federal teaching hospital, Ido Ekiti. Descriptive research design was used, simple random sampling techniques was used to recruit 178 respondents. Questionnaire with the reliability index of 0.854 was used as instrument of data collection. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science version 22.2. Descriptive statistic was used to answer the research questions while inferential statistic was used to test the hypothesis in table 2.8 and 4.9 at significant level of 0.05.
The findings of the study shows that 65% of the respondents agreed on the given definition of domestic violence as any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual, or mental harm or suffering to women. 60.1% believe that domestic violence is a common practice against pregnant women while 55.6% confessed to have been physically or psychologically experienced it and (82%) were aware that domestic violence has effect on women and the fetus wellbeing.70.8% of the respondent believe that husband intake of alcohol contribute to domestic violence. There was no significance relationship between educational status of pregnant women and domestic violence experience during pregnancy with (x2 = 10, 1.833) at P < 0.05. Also, there is no significance relationship between knowledge of pregnancy women and factors associated with domestic violence during pregnancy with (x2 = 11, P= 0.11) at P < 0.05. The respondents have adequate knowledge on domestic violence and their experience with domestic violence is very high. It will be of important to partner with Non governmental Agency in charge of human right abuse to create a sensitization campaign to enlighten the men and society at large on the right of women and preventions of domestic violence against pregnant women in our society.
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