Prevention and Treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Against Peripheral Uveitis


  • Sabirova Dilrabo Baxodirovna Samarkand State Medical University, Department of Ophthalmology


age-related macular degeneration, human mononuclear cells


A series of experiments was performed on 50 sexually mature male rats of the line with an initial body weight of 200-250 g. In animals of the 1st group (n = 25), the pathological process was induced by intravitreal injection of functionally active blood mononuclear cells. The obtained material was fixed for light microscopy. All studies during the experiments and the collection of material were carried out at the same time of day - from 12.00 to 15.00. Experimental modeling of the mechanism of intraocular proliferation in vitro. Methods of cell cultivation in vitro are currently increasingly used to study the biological and structural features of cells that form periretinal proliferative membranes.



How to Cite

Baxodirovna, S. D. (2025). Prevention and Treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Against Peripheral Uveitis. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 3(1), 44–48. Retrieved from