Main Features of Genetic Models of Metabolic Syndrome


  • Tashmamatov Bakhtiyar Norbekovich Associate Professor of the Department of “Anatomy, Clinical Anatomy, Pathological Anatomy, Histology”, Samarkand Zarmed University
  • DJumayev Allokhiddin Umrzaqovich Assistant Professor of the Department of “Anatomy, Clinical Anatomy, Pathological Anatomy, Histology”, Samarkand Zarmed University
  • Khasanov Shamshod Shukhratovich Senior Assistant Professor of the Department of “Anatomy, Clinical Anatomy, Pathological Anatomy, Histology”, Samarkand Zarmed University
  • DJumanova Nargiza Eshmamatovna Senior Lecturer of the Department of Medical Biology and Genetics, Samarkand State Medical University
  • Parmonov Egamqul Karshiyevich Assistant of the Department of “Anatomy, Clinical Anatomy, Pathological Anatomy, Histology” of Samarkand Zarmed University


metabolic syndrome, modeling, experiment, genetic models


Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a complex of metabolic, hormonal and clinical pathologies. It is a strong risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases, the basis of which is insulin resistance (IR) and compensatory hyperinsulinemia. According to some researchers, today's MS is also interpreted as a syndrome of "affluent". WHO experts assess the current situation regarding the spread of MS as follows: "We are facing a new pandemic that will cover the industrialized countries of the 21st century." The prevalence of MS is twice as high as the prevalence of diabetes mellitus and is expected to increase by 25% over the next 50 years. [1].


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How to Cite

Norbekovich, T. B., Umrzaqovich, D. A., Shukhratovich, K. S., Eshmamatovna, D. N., & Karshiyevich, P. E. (2025). Main Features of Genetic Models of Metabolic Syndrome. International Journal of Integrative and Modern Medicine, 3(1), 129–133. Retrieved from