Fracture of the Odontidous Process of the Cii Vertebra: Principles of Treatment in Emergency Medical Care
fracture, odontoid process CII, spine, Halo apparatus, fixationAbstract
The article presents the data of examination and treatment of 16 patients with injuries of the odontoid process of the CII vertebra, aged from 25 to 45 years. The main types of injury were traffic accidents and falls from height. Of the 16 examined patients, 12 patients underwent immobilization of the cervical spine using the Halo apparatus. 4 patients underwent surgical treatment - fixation of the fracture of the odontoid process of the CII vertebra with a spongy screw. In all cases, a good result was achieved. Conclusions: in case of fractures of the odontoid process without displacement, conservative treatment can be carried out using the Halo apparatus. Fractures with displacement are an indication for surgical treatment - fixation of the fracture with a spongy screw.
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