Surgical Treatment of Cervical Spine Injuries in Conditions of Emergency Medical Care
trauma, spine, spinal cord, instability, myelopathy, decompression, stabilizationAbstract
Cervical spine injuries account for up to 30-35% of all spinal injuries. Due to mobility and being under constant loads, unstable and complicated injuries are most common in the cervical spine. Complicated injuries are characterized by high rates of disability - up to 85-90% of cases and deaths - up to 30%. Goal: to improve the results of surgical treatment of cervical spine injuries. Material and methods. 38 patients with various types of injuries to the cervical spine were examined and surgically treated. After establishing the diagnosis and nature of the spinal cord injury, surgical treatment was performed: decompression and stabilization of the damaged spinal segment with a carbon and nickel-titanium implant. According to the results of the treatment, good and satisfactory results were obtained in more than 70% of cases, unsatisfactory results in 5 (13.1%) patients, which was associated with severe damage to the spinal cord. Conclusions: performing surgical interventions at an earlier time after injury contributes to the restoration of lost functions of the spinal cord.
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