Decompressive-Stabilizing Surgical Interventions for Unstable Complicated Injuries of the Thoracolumbar Spine in Emergency Medical Care
spine, spinal cord, injury, decompression, stabilization, ligamentotaxis, TPFAbstract
Recently, the incidence of spinal cord injuries has tended to increase, and complicated forms of damage are common among them. The tactics of performing decompressive and stabilizing surgical interventions in the conditions of emergency neurosurgical care requires special attention when choosing a method for stabilizing the damaged vertebral motion segment. Objective of the study. Improving the results of surgical treatment of thoracolumbar spine fractures in the acute period of injury. Material. According to the results of examination of 339 patients with spinal injuries, 126 (37.1%) patients underwent surgical treatment. The duration of the operation ranged from 6 hours to 3 days. During the examination, MCT and MRI studies were used to clarify the type and nature of damage to the spine and spinal cord. The patients underwent closed reposition of the fracture, decompressive laminectomy and stabilization of the damaged segment of the spine. Results. Good results were obtained in 66 (52.3%), satisfactory in 57 (45.2%) and unsatisfactory in 5 (3.9%) patients. Conclusions. When choosing a method of surgical treatment, the results of MSCT and MRI studies should be taken into account. Surgical interventions should be performed in the early stages after injury. In complicated spinal injuries, decompression of the spinal cord and stabilization of the damaged segment of the spine are mandatory.
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