
  • G’afforov Azamat Uyg’unovich Bukhara State Medical Instititute


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), platelet-rich plasma (PRP), endosteum, bone marrow cells, mesenchymal cells.


One of the new technologies for local stimulation of the fracture zone is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, which is an English word that means saturated platelet-rich plasma (PRP).  In a specific case, the specialist carefully examines the patient, determines the causes of movements and other symptoms. Usually, up to 5-7 procedures are required at intervals of 3-5 days. During the procedure, from 10 ml to 50 ml of blood is taken from the patient, and its volume is determined individually. The blood is spun in a centrifuge at high speed and plasma is separated, which contains 3-5 times more platelets than normal blood. These platelets contain many growth factors and biologically active proteins, and the effect of TBP- therapy can be seen after the first injection. Pain is reduced, normal mobility is restored, and after a full course, endurance improves, which is maintained for a very long time.


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Gafforov A.U., Asilova S.U. Improvements In Surgical Treatmet For Diaphysealfractures Of The Lower Leg Bones // European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine.- 2020. Volume 07, Issue 03, Р.3914-3919. (14.00.00 Scopus №3, IF:8,111)

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Gafforov A.U., Asilova S.U., Teshaev A.A. Indicators X-ray Densitometric studies in fractures of long tubular bones with the use of plasma lifting in an experimental study // British Medical Journal, 2021.- Volume-1, №2. – 288-294 б (14.00.00.№ IF:2,067)

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Xegay L.N., Gafforov A.U., Asilova S.U., Teshaev A.A. Izuchenie reparativnogo osteogeneza perelomov bedrennoy kosti krolikov pri terapii obagashchennoy trombotsitami plazmoy // Re-health jurnali. Andijon, 2021 yil, №1(9) 78-86 b. (14.00.00 №)

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Gafforov A.U., Akramov V.R., TeshaevA.A., Axmedov Sh.Sh., Xamraev B.U., Usovershenstvovanie xirurgicheskogo lecheniya bolnyx s perelomami diafiza kostey goleni // «Travmatologiya va orpediyaning dolzarb muammolari» Respublika. ilmiy–amaliy konferensiyasi matetiallari. Jizzax, 2019 yil.-51-52 b.

Gafforov A.U., Xegay L.N., Teshaev A.A., Asilova S.U. Izuchenie aktivnosti immunoglobulinov klassov IgA va IgE pri lechenii perelomov kosti krolikov obogashchennoy trombositami plazmoy // Materiallar mejdunar odnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy Konferentsii «sovremennye texnologii v chelyustno-litsevoy Xirurgii» Tashkent. 2021 yil.-50-53 b.

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Gafforov A.U. Asilova S.U. Features of application with the use of plasmolifting for fractures of the diaphysis of the tibia bones in the experiment // International multidisciplinary scientific conferences on the dialogue between science & arts, religion March 25, Canberra, Australia. 2021.-19-20 б.

Gafforov A.U., Asilova S.U. Osobennosti primeneniya metoda plazmoliftinga pri perelomax diafiza kostey goleni v eksperimente. // Mejdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya. «Sovremennye nauchnye resheniya dolzarb muammo». Sbornik tezisov nauchno prakticheskoy konferentsii g. Rostov-na-Danu 2021 yil. 227-228 b.

Gafforov A.U., Asilova S.U. Optimizatsiya xirurgicheskogo lecheniya pri diafizarnx perelomax kostey goleni // Metodicheskie rekomendatsii. Buxoro, 2021.-19 s.

Gafforov A.U., Koksartrozning namoyon bo'lishiga ta'sir qiluvchi omillar// Ilg'or zoologiya jurnali. 44-jild S-7-son 2023-yil 41:45-bet/

Gafforov A.U., Koxo artroziga ta'sir qiluvchi ichki va tashqi muhitning turli omillari. AMERIKAN pediatriya tibbiyoti va sog'liqni saqlash fanlari jurnali 01-jild, 10-son, 2023.208-219 s.




How to Cite

G’afforov Azamat Uyg’unovich. (2024). APPLICATION OF PLASMOLIFTING IN TRAUMATOLOGY AND ITS EFFECT ON REPARATIVE REGENERATION. International Journal of Pediatrics and Genetics, 2(12), 59–62. Retrieved from