Access of Infertile Men to Urological Care


  • Bakhodir Sh. Turayev Researcher, School of Public Health, Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • Gulsora Sh. Ochilova Researcher, Chirchik branch of the Tashkent Medical Academy, Chirchik, Uzbekistan


Infertility, male infertility, supply of urologists


Aim: Dynamic study and analysis of the provision of urologists and urological services to the population in Uzbekistan during 2017-2021. Materials and methods: Statistical and analytical methods were used in the research. The official statistical data of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the urology service for 2017-2021 were studied and analyzed. Results: In 2017-2021, the supply of urologist-doctors in our republic decreased from 0.2 to 0.19 per 10,000 population. This indicator slightly increased by 2021 compared to 2017 in Jizzakh (+0.08), Kashkadarya (+0.02), Surkhandarya (+0.04), Syrdarya (+0.03) and Tashkent (+0.02) regions. The decrease was observed in other regions. The availability of urologists is high in Bukhara and Khorezm regions and is 0.27 and 0.29 per 10,000 population, respectively, and the lowest in Kashkadarya and Tashkent regions is 0.12. In 2021, there were 693 urology posts in our republic, of which 654 (94.4%) were filled. Conclusion. During the studied years, the supply of urologists-doctors increased in some administrative regions of the Republic, while in others it decreased. The provision of urologists-doctors also differs sharply among regions.



How to Cite

Turayev, B. S., & Ochilova, G. S. (2024). Access of Infertile Men to Urological Care. International Journal of Alternative and Contemporary Therapy, 2(11), 72–78. Retrieved from