hypoxic-ischemic brain damage, newborns, perinatal encephalopathyAbstract
among all neurological disorders in the pediatric category of patients, it is the hypoxic-ischemic changes in the brain that remain a complex and unresolved problem, since they account for more than 50%, in addition, in most of them, a severe delay in psychomotor development develops later. The aim of the study was to study the clinical and diagnostic features and prognostic criteria of hypoxic-ischemic disorders in infants. The study was conducted at the Multidisciplinary Clinic of Samarkand State Medical University in the period 2023-2024. The study included full-term newborns (n=67) who were followed from birth to the age of one year. The observation was carried out sequentially in the Department of obstetrics, the Department of Pediatric Neurology, followed by outpatient monitoring in the polyclinic department of the Moscow State Medical University. During the study, a detailed analysis of the obstetric history of mothers was carried out, including the features of the course of this and previous pregnancies. All patients were divided into two groups: The first group (n=31) consisted of children with clinically verified signs of neurological insufficiency. The second group (n=36) consisted of children without obvious signs of neurological dysfunction, but with perinatal risk factors in their mother's obstetric history (threat of termination of pregnancy, chronic somatic diseases, acute viral infections during pregnancy, and other pathological conditions). Results of the study in accordance with the objective, a comprehensive analysis of the maternal history of the children included in the study was carried out. When assessing the age characteristics of mothers, statistically significant differences between the groups were revealed. In children of the second group (without obvious signs of neurological dysfunction), the average age of mothers was 23.0±2.5 years, whereas in the first group (with clinical manifestations of neurological insufficiency), older mothers prevailed - over 30 years (average age 32.4±3.1 years). Conclusions: A significant correlation has been established between the age of the mother and the risk of developing neurological pathology in newborns. In mothers over 30 years of age, children with signs of neurological insufficiency were significantly more often (p<0.05) registered.
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