
  • Dilmuradov Saidakbar Nizomiddinovich Students of the Faculty of Medicine at Samarkand State Medical University
  • Shukurov Yodgor Askar oʻgʻli Students of the Faculty of Medicine at Samarkand State Medical University
  • Jabborov Bakhtiyor Umidovich Students of the Faculty of Medicine at Samarkand State Medical University
  • Murtazaev Azizbek Jasurovich Students of the Faculty of Medicine at Samarkand State Medical University
  • Saidmurodova Zarifa Azamatovna Assistant at the Department of Biochemistry, Samarkand State Medical University


Activities aimed at treating and preventing mastitis


Mastitis- inflammation of breast tissue. Develops due to infection of the mammary glands by bacteria. At the same time, the breasts enlarge, swell, begin to hurt, become sensitive, the skin turns red, and the body temperature rises.

The incidence of mastitis among nursing mothers ranges from 1% to 16% depending on the region. On average, this figure corresponds to 5% of lactating women, and in recent years, measures aimed at reducing the incidence remain ineffective. The majority of women with mastitis (85%) are first-time mothers (or first-time breastfeeders). The reason for this is that milk is retained in the glands due to lack of milking skills. Women over 30 years of age who are breastfeeding for the first time suffer from mastitis due to a decrease in the body's protective abilities or concomitant chronic diseases. In such cases, the symptoms of mastitis are accompanied by clinical symptoms of the underlying disease.


Saidmurodova Z.A., Nazarova M.E., Keldiyorova S.E. DNA STRUCTURE, PROCESS OF GENETIC TRANSFORMATION, SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS //Eurasian Journal of Academic Research. - 2022. - T. 2. – no. 4. – pp. 121-124.

Saidmurodova Z. A., Burkhanovich B. Kh., Muinjonovna F. N. METHODS OF USING DIGITAL LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES IN TEACHING BIOCHEMISTRY // Intent Research Scientific Journal. - 2023. - T. 2. – no. 3. - pp. 57-64.

Azamatovna S.Z., Komilenovna M.N. HISTORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY, RELATIONS WITH OTHER SCIENCES // Eurasian Journal of Medical and Natural Sciences. - 2022. - T. 2. – no. 2. - pp. 134-137.

Saidmurodova Z.A. and others. BIOSYNTHESIS AND DECOMPOSITION OF GLYCOGEN AND ITS PHYSIOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE - 2022. - T. 2. - no. 3. - pp. 343-344.




How to Cite

Nizomiddinovich, D. S., oʻgʻli, S. Y. A., Umidovich, J. B., Jasurovich, M. A., & Azamatovna, S. Z. (2024). MASTITIS DISEASE - SYMPTOMS, CAUSES, TREATMENT, PREVENTION OF BREAST INFLAMMATION. International Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, 2(3), 1–3. Retrieved from

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