
  • Dr. Thaeir Awad Hassan Al-Khaykanee M.B.Ch.B., F.I.B.M.S. \ (Dermatology and Venereology) Iraqi Ministry of Health, Department of Health Babylon, Al-Hashimiyah General Hospital, Babylon, Iraq


QOL, Facial psoriasis, Dermatology Life Quality Index, BMI, Patient


The study included 105 patients distributed for two groups (patients 70 and 35 controls). Data was collected from different hospitals from Iraq with a duration of 1 Feb 2022 to 2 Mar 2023 where found that the disease significantly affects quality of life and health. Severe skin lesions can cause discomfort, disability, and interference with daily activities. People with psoriasis have a higher risk of developing work-related disability, including difficulty performing tasks, exercising, and caring for their families.

The study sample included a total of 105 people, including 45 men and 25 controls, all between the ages of 25 and 40, who had had psoriasis for more than three years, with DLQI scores of 14.2±2.8 and 20.2±3.9, respectively. In carrying out the clinical scores, both the physical role and the mental quality of life score were assessed.

Through studying the cases in this research, it was found that there is an inverse relationship between quality of life in this study according to the Dermatology Life Quality Index.


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How to Cite

Al-Khaykanee, D. T. A. H. (2024). THE RESULTS OF FACIAL PSORIASIS IN PATIENTS AND DETERMINING THE PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS AND QUALITY OF LIFE REPORTED BY THE PATIENT. International Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, 2(7), 113–120. Retrieved from