facial nerve, anatomy, nerve structure, motor and sensory nerves, lumbar palsy, clinical neuralgia, neuroanatomyAbstract
According to the World Health Organization, facial neuropathy is the second most common disease among peripheral nervous system lesions , and the first among cranial nerve lesions. In different countries of the world, the incidence of this disease is 10-53.3 per 100,000 population, including 20 in Europe, 30 in Japan. ta gagasha eats. The incidence of the disease is approximately the same in men and women. This article analyzes the anatomical and functional features of the facial nerve in the IMRAD format, taking into account the above information. The central and peripheral parts of the facial nerve, their structure and main functions are highlighted in the study. We also focused on cases of disorders of the facial nerve and related clinical issues. This article can be useful in completing scientific information about the facial nerve and in the medical diagnosis process.
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