The Influence of Quality of Life on the Formation of Deep Scapula Coverage Anomaly in Children with Chronic Diseases of the Respiratory System


  • Durdiev Janibek Ismatovich Bukhara State Medical Institute


diagnostics, Defects and deformations of the dentition, disorders in the dento-maxillofacial region, telerentgenografiya, ortopantografiya.


Defects and deformations of the dentition are often the reasons for the development of functional, morphological and aesthetic disorders in the dento-maxillofacial region (DMFR), and in the presence of anomalies of occlusion, the existing deviations are aggravated. The main functions of the DMF are breathing, swallowing, speaking and chewing. With deformities of the dentition, narrowing of the dental alveolar arches (DAA) of the jaws is frequent in 30.5% - 58% of cases, narrowing of the jaws, especially the upper one, is often combined with other  dento-maxillofacial anomalies (DMFA). The relationship between narrowing of the jaws and impaired nasal breathing (NB) has been studied by many specialists. Facial attractiveness plays a huge role in the social life (SL) of people, being an essential psychosocial factor. The face largely determines its attractiveness and is the main means of identification and non-verbal communication.


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How to Cite

Durdiev Janibek Ismatovich. (2024). The Influence of Quality of Life on the Formation of Deep Scapula Coverage Anomaly in Children with Chronic Diseases of the Respiratory System. International Journal of Pediatrics and Genetics, 2(5), 31–33. Retrieved from