
  • Karimova Feruza Rakhmatboyevna Candidate of Medical Sciences (Ph.D.), Associate Professor of the Department of Folk Medicine, Occupational Diseases and Allergology, Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sina


traditional medicine, allergic dermatitis, effectiveness, holistic approach, personalized treatment


This article examines the effectiveness of using traditional medicine methods in the treatment of allergic dermatitis. Traditional medicine encompasses various systems such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurveda, Unani Medicine, and Indigenous healing practices. These systems offer unique perspectives on health and healing, emphasizing a holistic approach and personalized treatment. While scientific research on traditional medicine methods for allergic dermatitis is limited, anecdotal evidence and case studies suggest positive outcomes. Traditional medicine methods focus on restoring balance, addressing underlying imbalances, and promoting overall well-being. They can be used in combination with conventional medical treatments, offering a comprehensive and individualized approach. However, further research is needed to establish the efficacy and safety of these methods. Cultural considerations and accessibility are also important factors to consider. Collaboration with qualified healthcare professionals is essential to ensure proper assessment and integration of traditional medicine methods into the overall treatment plan for allergic dermatitis.


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Каримова Ф.Р. Этиологические факторы острых аллергических состояний у детей, проживающих в условиях города Бухары. Вестник ТМА, 2022. С. 77-8

Karimova F.R. Optimising methods for the prevention of acute allergic conditions. Deutsche internationale Zeitschrift für zeitgenössische Wissenschaft 2022. Р. 9




How to Cite

Rakhmatboyevna, K. F. (2024). COMPARISON OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING TRADITIONAL MEDICINE METHODS IN THE TREATMENT OF ALLERGIC DERMATITIS. International Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, 2(6), 1–7. Retrieved from