Examination of Gastric X-Ray Anatomy in Various Tumor Processes by Age


  • Xudoyberdiev Dilshod Karimovich Bukhara State Medical Institute


stomach morphology, X-ray anatomy, gastrointestinal diseases, age-related changes, functional pathology, radiation diagnostics, gastric motility.


Modern morphological research aims not only to describe biological structures but also to analyze their functional relationships and regulatory mechanisms. The stomach, as a crucial organ of the digestive system, plays a significant role in human health, with up to 35% of the population experiencing gastric pathologies. This study investigates age-related features of X-ray anatomy of the stomach and develops a differential diagnostic algorithm. A total of 300 patients, categorized into control and gastrointestinal disease groups, underwent X-ray, MSCT, ultrasound, and FGDS examinations. The findings reveal that morphological and functional characteristics of the stomach vary across age groups and are influenced by constitutional factors. Adolescents commonly experience functional gastric disorders, often linked to psychoemotional factors. X-ray imaging remains a key diagnostic tool, providing insights into gastric structure, motility, and pathology. Understanding these age-related variations is essential for accurate diagnosis and treatment, emphasizing the need for further research on the interplay between somatic constitution and digestive health.


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How to Cite

Xudoyberdiev Dilshod Karimovich. (2025). Examination of Gastric X-Ray Anatomy in Various Tumor Processes by Age. International Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, 3(1), 86–87. Retrieved from https://medicaljournals.eu/index.php/IJCNP/article/view/1524