The Main Risk Factors and Their Combination in Cohorts with a Progressive and Stable Course of the Disease to Identify the Most Significant Factors Influencing The Disease Progression of Acute Cerebral Circulatory Disorders


  • N.F. Vyazikova Associate Professor of the Department of Neurology Samarkand State Medical University
  • K.V. Shmyrina Associate Professor of the Department of Neurology Samarkand State Medical University


initial manifestations of cerebrovascular insufficiency, prevention of acute stroke


Acute cerebral circulatory disorders are one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. According to WHO, at least 5.6-6.6 million people develop stroke each year, and one third of stroke survivors of working age die. Identifying and controlling risk factors for stroke is the best way to primary prevention. There is a mutual influence between many factors, so their combination leads to a greater increase in the risk of the disease than the simple arithmetic addition of their isolated action.


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How to Cite

N.F. Vyazikova, & K.V. Shmyrina. (2024). The Main Risk Factors and Their Combination in Cohorts with a Progressive and Stable Course of the Disease to Identify the Most Significant Factors Influencing The Disease Progression of Acute Cerebral Circulatory Disorders. International Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, 2(5), 46–48. Retrieved from