Optimization of Conservative Treatment of Hemorrhagic Stroke in the Acute Period


  • Khushbakov N.Z Samarkand branch of the Republican scientific and practical Center for Emergency medical care
  • Bobomurodov G.A. Samarkand branch of the Republican scientific and practical Center for Emergency medical care
  • Khasanjanova F.O Samarkand State Medical University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan


hemorrhagic stroke, conservative treatment, acute cerebrovascular accident, etc.


The study analyzes the modern possibilities of complex conservative therapy of hemorrhagic
stroke, develops the main therapeutic targets, taking into account the pathophysiological reactions that occur in
violation of cerebral circulation. 513 cases of hospitalization of patients diagnosed with hemorrhagic stroke,
including intracerebral hemorrhage complicated by blood breakthrough into the ventricular system of the brain, were
analyzed in the period from 2022 to 2023. on the basis of the Samarkand branch of the Republican scientific and
practical center for emergency medical care in the department of neuro-intensive care. The age of the patients is from
44 to 80 years old. All patients underwent a general clinical examination (anamnesis collection, anthropometric and
physical examination of the patient, measurement of blood pressure, heart rate). Laboratory and instrumental
examination included clinical blood tests, biochemical blood analysis, examination of hemostasis parameters, lumbar
puncture with examination of cerebrospinal fluid, upon admission and in dynamics on the 2nd and 7th day of
admission, ECG, echocardiography, X-ray of the skull, lungs, ultrasound according to indications. The assessment of
clinical symptoms and their severity before and after treatment was performed on the Glasgow Coma Scale (SCG).
The analysis of the outcomes of hemorrhagic stroke, including with a breakthrough of blood into the ventricular
system of the brain, showed the expediency of early hospitalization in a specialized hospital, and the effectiveness of
the developed combined scheme of conservative treatment, the main directions of which are prolonged anesthesia,
relief of vasoconstrictor cerebral reaction, neuroprotective therapy.




How to Cite

N.Z , K., G.A., B., & F.O, K. (2024). Optimization of Conservative Treatment of Hemorrhagic Stroke in the Acute Period . International Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, 2(5), 41–45. Retrieved from https://medicaljournals.eu/index.php/IJCNP/article/view/384